
Park Homes NZ - Not just modern tiny homes, but modular eco-homes custom-built to your family!

Park Homes NZ - Not just modern tiny homes, but modular eco-homes custom-built to your family!

You have seen our eco-friendly tiny homes, however an eco-friendly home doesn’t always have to be TINY!

Depending on what you need, we can connect two or more bases together to match your design to create a bigger home. Our homes have a modular layout that can be combined in hundreds of different ways!

Sustainable house design saves the planet in every way

Sustainable house design saves the planet in every way

We’re all about sustainability here at Park Homes! Our houses are designed to have minimal environmental impact, so our planet can stay beautiful for future generations to come. Depending on your budget, lifestyle and preferences, we can tailor make sustainable features for your home. There are so many sustainable options that could be perfect for your house. Many are included as standard in our designs so aren’t at any extra cost.

How to begin living a sustainable lifestyle in a Park Home?

How to begin living a sustainable lifestyle in a Park Home?

Living sustainably only just starts with your house design! Once you’ve chosen a sustainably designed Park Home, it’s time to practice more ways of sustainable living. There is so much you can do to reduce your impact on the environment—and it’ll save you money too! Here are 15 of our favourite sustainable living tips:

Caring For Our Planet: Part 3 - Living Off Grid and Loving the Land

Caring For Our Planet: Part 3 - Living Off Grid and Loving the Land

This post is Part 3 of a Multi-Part series about creating a more sustainable future.

One Planet, One People, Please...

In this post we will discuss off-grid systems, the concept of "reduce, reuse and recycle" within the building industry, the impact of building a house on the land and wider natural environment both during the build and afterwards, and how to build houses with heart ♥️


Caring For Our Planet: Part 1 - Sustainable Building, Sustainable Living

Caring For Our Planet: Part 1 - Sustainable Building, Sustainable Living

This post is Part 1 of a Multi-Part series about creating a more sustainable future. Topics covered in the series are:

  • Sustainable and eco-friendly building options
  • Toxicity in your home and how to reduce it as you build
  • Recycling and reducing waste, both in the building industry and in our personal lives
  • Energy efficiency in your home
  • Living off the grid and more in alignment with our natural environment