By now we know that monetary things really don’t buy you happiness. Living in a house full of fancy things can be a very empty existence. It’s not what you have that counts, but how you live. Items may have no meaning or personal value even though they are may be expensive. Isn’t it better to own less, but cherish the moment? In today’s day and age, less really is more!
At Park Homes we value a minimalistic lifestyle. We believe life is more meaningful when it’s simple. While we prioritise sustainability, we also strive to create simple but effective houses that inspire a meaningful existence. A house doesn’t need bells and whistles to be beautiful. In fact, excessive features and attractions can deter from the serenity of a home.
Picture walking into your dream home. You feel relaxed and content coming home after a long day. You sit down and relax on the couch and enjoy the evening with your family. Now picture what’s around you. What furniture and décor are important? What do you need to have a happy existence? We bet it’s not the number of things, or the monetary value of your home, that make you feel at ease. There are probably only a few things you really need to live the life you aspire to lead.
If you live in a tiny house you’re forced to make critical decisions about what items you really need or be faced with extreme clutter and mess. That can be a blessing in disguise. Many of us with bigger homes and more storage space keep items that are unnecessary and would serve better purpose being recycled, donated or simply thrown out. You must think about your household items carefully if you’re living in a small space. Be smart and think simple.
If you’re interested in living a minimalistic lifestyle you can follow the Minimalists 21-day journey to living a minimal life or start by thinking about our suggestions to making the most of your living space:
- Think about what household objects bring you joy. If a fire was to strike, what items would you miss the most if they were burnt? What wouldn’t you care about? Start with these items and see if they’d serve a better purpose elsewhere.
- Ask yourself what items are you saving up for? Would these things really bring added meaning to your life? So often we spend significant time unhappy while strictly saving money for something material. Consider spending money on an experience or better day-to-day living. Perhaps something to enjoy with family and friends that creates lasting memories.
- Consider donating items you don’t value but are in good condition. There are plenty of places your less valued goods could serve meaning. Look up your nearest Salvo’s or donation bins and make a difference.
- Discard items you don’t regularly use and refrain from purchasing something unless it’s essential. Before you buy something, wait a while and think if you really need it or whether it will bring you long term happiness. If you know it won’t, don’t buy it.