Building with steel Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) is greener, easier and more effective. It’s a good choice to make, but what is a steel SIP and how do they work so efficiently?
A SIP is a high performance building system constructed using EPS (expanded polystyrene) sandwiched between two facings. Most commonly these facings are made up of timber, however, we prefer steel SIPs for all the benefits they provide. Namely, as soon as the floor, walls and roof are installed, the house is practically watertight, whereas with timber, a waterproofing membrane and claddings are required to achieve this. Not only that, but the now complete structure is incredibly strong and yet still lightweight.
A SIP home uses less energy, because the frame allows for more efficient use of energy. The building is airtight and well insulated. You use less energy to heat and cool your house, reducing your energy bills and saving resources and greenhouse gas emissions. A SIP house can actually use up to 60% less energy. That’s a huge saving!
Reducing resource waste doesn’t stop there. The insulation in a SIP is made of a lightweight rigid foam polymer. It’s nearly completely made out of air with just a small amount of petroleum. This insulation is made from a non-CFC blowing agent, which is a much greener way to make insulation. The production of this saves energy and resources compared to other methods. It creates an amazing quality product that doesn't sag or disintegrate over time, unlike batts, so there’s really no downside to this type of insulation.
In addition to conserving energy and resources, the SIPs used to build your Park Home are 100% recyclable. Steel is so easy to recycle so you know your leftover materials will go to good use. Building sites typically produce lots of waste, but a SIP building site doesn’t have nearly the same impact.
New Zealand households generate 24% of their yearly greenhouse gas emissions from their housing and utilities. A SIP home plays a huge role in reducing that environmental impact of housing. With more efficient energy and long term environmental benefits, there’s really no reason not to choose a SIP home.