A Certified Passivhaus follows a strict, scientific process to predict the performance of buildings quite accurately at the design stage and can only be built by trained and internationally qualified Passive House builders. This results in a house that truly looks after its occupants in terms of health and comfort, with a constant supply of fresh air and a comfortable indoor environment all the time.
A Certified Passivhaus will ensure that over time your energy bills, running costs and maintenance costs are greatly reduced, saving you more and more each year. Not only do Certified Passive Homes have the benefit of saving you more over time, they also ensure a higher standard of living most Kiwis aren’t used to - imagine walking into your home on a frosty evening when your house hasn’t been occupied or had heating on all day and yet, it’s comfortable, warm even! A Certified Passive House is designed to be thermally more efficient, which means no gaps for heat to escape from or thermal bridges for the cold outdoor temperatures to creep in. Even in Invercargill, you’ll be warm all winter long! In Summer, your Certified Passive House maintains a cooler temperature without the need for fans or air conditioning.
Book an appointment to speak with us today about building the last home you’ll ever want to live in, your Certified Passivhaus from Park Homes.
For more information on Passive Houses in New Zealand,
INSTANTLY download our factsheet from the Passive House Institute NZ.
When considering a layout or design, questions to ask yourself are:

What layout works best for my section? Considering land size, shape, position relative to the sun and topography - is it hilly or level?

Consider bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living; which spaces are most important to me?

What eco options would I like to have? Solar panels or composting toilets, solar-ready/future proofed, off-grid?